Christmas Newsletter - Shop7degrees

Christmas Newsletter

Picture of 7degrees Team: Shera, Gwen and Tammy.

✨ As the year draws to a close, I'm sending our last newsletter for the year, with a heartfelt Christmas letter 
much like those cherished family Christmas letters that reflect on the year gone by. After all, our 7degrees community is very much a family, too.✨

This year has been a journey of growth for us at 7degrees. Despite not finding a new location, I believe there's a reason for everything. Our small space, as cozy as it is, is getting a bit snug, but it won't stop us from nurturing this wonderful company we've built together. 🎁

The soul of 7degrees truly lies in our incredible team.

Gwen, my right-hand woman for nearly two years and a friend for 16, brings her creative flair to everything she does.

From Gwen:  "I love the creative world of design - digital and physical. Having my own Etsy shop is a constant push for creating something new. I love to learn new techniques or software programs to help in this craft too. When I’m not designing posts for 7Degrees or my own small business, I’m spending time with my family (ignoring the growing pile laundry in my couch)🤣 Having the blessing of “older” kids now (youngest is 11), I’m relearning myself and where I belong and I am grateful for all of it."  

Check out Gwen's Shop on Etsy I have linked it here: Daisy Mae Outpost

Tammy joined our team earlier this year, but she's been a cherished friend for nearly 14 years. She use to show up and help me in the middle of the night when I owned the bridal shop, we seen a lot of life together.
Tammy said "I'm from Libby Montana. Born and raised. I love reading. I'm almost always listening to an audiobook. I'm an introvert who loves deep connections with people. I love being involved with my kids activities and programs. I love traveling and seeing new places. I'd live in an RV for the rest of my life if I could. I've learned I'm attached to people not places. Home will always be where the people I love are. I would be a college student for life if it was possible, I love learning. I love trying new things and tackling new challenges. I have the soul of a dancer. Always have will. My toes are always pointed and my heart beats in time to music I think only I can hear. I dream of choreography and can't wait until the time comes again in my life I can teach dance once again. Some people see the world in color, I see it in movement .... everything I do, each phase of my life is connected, choreographed and set to the beautiful sounds of life."

This year has undoubtedly been enriched by their presence. Looking ahead to 2024, we're excited to expand into a new warehouse, welcome another local team member, and broaden our catalog.

To you, our cherished friend,, thank you for your sweet support. Your engagement and encouragement have been pivotal in our growth.

As we celebrate this festive season, I want to extend my warmest wishes to you for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We cherish the friendships we've made on this journey and are excited for what the future holds. Remember, you are valued and appreciated in everything you do.

❤️Warm regards,
Shera, Gwen, & Tammy
